'MY LITTLE END OF THE WORLD' is a concept album that delves into an alternate reality, a dystopian universe where the very essence of art has been lost to time. In this world, art no longer carries meaning; it has become a hollow shell, a disenchanted fusion of once-beautiful things. The colors are faded, the melodies muted, and the words have lost their depth. What was once alive with creativity, sincerity, and emotion is now but a hollow echo of itself.The story unfolds from the perspective of an artist—an individual caught within this crumbling reality—who looks back on a time when art was alive, when it resonated with the soul and could transcend the mundane. The artist is trapped in a world where creation has turned to mere imitation, where the purity of inspiration has been smothered by a mechanical, lifeless approach to creation. The artist’s memories are all they have left—visions of times spent with the Fallen Angels, beings who once personified the core values of creativity, sincerity, and emotion.The Fallen Angels are no longer with them. They have disappeared, lost in the bleakness of this world that has forgotten how to feel. The artist’s journey is a search for them, a longing to reconnect with the emotions, the authenticity, and the deep well of creativity that once shaped their art. As they navigate this world of artistic decay, the artist reflects on the profound relationship they once shared with these ethereal beings—the angels that sparked their muse and allowed them to express what was previously inexpressible.